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English for the Teacher: Advanced

Programme details



1 THE CONSUMER SOCIETY This lesson looks at the topics of advertising, finance and shopping. It also revises prepositions, as well as looking at register, and formal/informal letters.
2 FAMILY TIES This lesson looks at the topics of family and relationships. It also revises prepositions, as well as looking at the grammar point of substitution and ellipsis.
3 JOB SEEKERS This lesson looks at the topics of work and employment. It also looks at CVs and writing letters of reference.
4 BON APPETIT This lesson looks at the topics of food and cooking. It also revises passive tenses, as well as looking at the topic of Fairtrade.
5 UNDER THE WEATHER This lesson looks at the topics of weather and climate change. It also revises language of contrast, as well as looking at how weather can affect mood.
6 THE GREAT ESCAPE This lesson looks at the topics of lifestyle. It also revises participle clauses and cleft sentences, as well as looking at language for exchanging opinions.
7 ON THE ROAD This lesson looks at the topics of travel and holidays. It also looks at useful adjectives and collocations on the subject, and revises narrative tenses.
8 WORDS OF WISDOM This lesson looks at the topics of advice, metaphor and writing. It also revises conditionals, as well as looking at verb patterns.
9 TIME TRAVEL This lesson looks at the topic of memories and talking about the past. It also revises future in the past tenses, as well as looking at ellipsis and substitution.

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