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Программа курса по методике обучения детей английскому языку

Структура курса



1. Basic Principles in Teaching English to Young Learners

This session looks at psychological characteristics of young learners, main principles and activities to meet these characteristics as well as at different age groups and reasons for teaching English Language to young learners

2. Developing children’s listening skills

This session looks at listening as a priority skill as it is the first thing that young learners develop in learning a foreign language. It is also about aims, methodology and enjoyable activities to be used with young learners

3. Reading for Meaning

The session makes emphasis on communicative aim of reading, on stories to be used with small children and on stages to organize reading process in a meaningful way

4. Developing children’s speaking skills

The session looks at how the children develop their speaking skills in English, what activities can be used and what strategies help the young learners become effective in speaking

5. Developing Children’s Writing Skills

The session looks at when and how to start teaching writing with young learners, enjoyable activities to develop motor skills and different kinds of guided writing to develop students’ communicative skills

6. Teaching Vocabulary

The session looks at how vocabulary is learned by young learners. It covers a range of songs, rhymes and chants and typical activities that enrich and enlarge children’s knowledge of vocabulary

7. Teaching Grammar

The session looks at how grammar is learned by young learners, why it is important to teach the children to use language accurately. The session provides some practical activities that help make the learning of grammar enjoyable, including story-telling technique

8. Selecting a coursebook

This session provides an overview of published materials for Young Learners, including a wide range of course books, resource books with methodology or activities

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