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Бизнес английский - цикл семинаров делового английского

Онлайн курс бизнес английского помогает студентам углубить свои знания как терминологии делового английского, так и принципов ведения бизнеса. Семинары проводятся с использованием оригинальных методических разработок, которые получит каждый участник. Отдельный семинар рассматривает какую-либо одну конкретную тему и не предполагает обязательного посещения предыдущих или последующих семинаров цикла.

Курс ведет Директор Language Link Роб Дженски. Роб имеет опыт преподавания английского языка более 30 лет. Обладает степенью Магистра Менеджмента Кембриджского университета, является деканом факультета менеджмента в Московском университете Туро, профессором MBA.

В курс входит 5 семинаров.   

Продолжительность 1 семинара - 4 академических часа.

Стоимость - 2 988 рублей за один семинар.

Семинары проходят в онлайн формате с использованием интерактивной платформы Zoom.


Программа курса

Case Study: Dima’s Divans
Major theme: Understanding profit and loss

Actuate Your Business English 1 (ABE 1) is the first of ten seminars designed for anyone who teaches Business English or has an interest in understanding the fundamentals of business. No prior knowledge of business or finance is assumed. The seminar has been designed as a stand-alone seminar and attendance of follow-up seminars in the ABE series are at the discretion of the teacher.

The topics covered within this seminar are: entrepreneurship, business plans and the need to business plan, raising startup capital (seed money vs. venture capital), equity stakes, creating a retail sales operation, the supply chain (factory, distributors, wholesalers, etc), lines of credit, volume discounts, margins, profit and loss as well as learning to create a profit and loss account.

Within the seminar, over 100 business related terms will be discussed. All topics and language discussed will be based on an original case study developed specifically to teach difficult business concepts in an easy, fun-filled but extremely informative manner. Self-access handouts will be plentiful thus allowing teachers to review all concepts and language at their discretion following completion of the seminar.

Case Study: Napa & Son Inc.
Major theme: Understanding cash flow and balance sheets

Actuate Your Business English 2 is the second of five seminars designed for anyone who teaches Business English or has an interest in understanding the fundamentals of business. No prior knowledge of business is assumed. The seminar has been designed as a stand-alone seminar therefore attendance of Actuate Your Business English 1 is not a prerequisite to participating in this seminar. 

The topic covered are recession vs depression; the business cycle (or boom and bust cycle); economic indicators; banking basics, cash flow, holding companies and balance sheets (including the basics of assets vs. liabilities). 

Within the seminar, 150 business related terms will be discussed. All topics and language discussed will be based on an original case study developed specifically to teach difficult business concepts in an easy, fun-filled but extremely informative manner. Handouts will be plentiful thus allowing teachers to review all concepts and language at their discretion following completion of the seminar.

Case Study: The Town of Woodsboro Gets the Ax
Major theme: Managing economic crisis

Actuate Your Business English 3 is the third of five seminars designed for anyone who teaches Business English or has an interest in understanding the fundamentals of business. No prior knowledge of business is assumed. The seminar has been designed as a stand-alone seminar therefore attendance of Actuate Your Business English 1 and/or 2 is not a prerequisite to participating in this seminar.

The topic covered are economic downturns, financial crises and their effects on business (cash flow, idling workforces, downsizing, going out of business and other considerations), unions (employee status, collective bargaining, negotiations, strikes, etc), cost-cutting (out- and back-sourcing, salary and benefit moratoriums, etc), consumer credit, the subprime mortgage crisis, equity vs. negative equity and other topic-related concepts.

A glossary containing 130 business related terms will be discussed. All topics and language discussed will be based on an original case study developed specifically to teach difficult business concepts in an easy, fun-filled but extremely informative manner. Handouts will be plentiful thus allowing teachers to review all concepts and language at their discretion following completion of the seminar.

Case Study: Garments and Globalization
Major Theme: Global enterprise expansion

Actuate Your Business English 4 is the fourth of ten seminars designed for anyone who teaches Business English or has an interest in understanding the fundamentals of business. No prior knowledge of business or finance is assumed. The seminar has been designed as a stand-alone seminar therefore attendance of Actuate Your Business English 1, 2 and/or 3 is not a prerequisite to participating in this seminar.

The topics covered are: e-commerce and its role in cost cutting (overheads and payroll), customers vs. clients vs. clientele, patronage and customer loyalty, back office operations, changing nature of employee incentive programs, overhauling business models, the globalization process, transplanting production facilities, tax holidays, and the evils of going global.

A glossary containing 150 business related terms will be discussed. All topics and language discussed will be based on an original case study developed specifically to teach difficult business concepts in an easy, fun-filled but extremely informative manner. Handouts will be plentiful thus allowing teachers to review all concepts and language at their discretion following completion of the seminar.

Case Study: Rio Emerging Markets
Major theme: Entering emerging markets

Actuate Your Business English 5 is the fifth of ten seminars designed for anyone who teaches Business English or has an interest in understanding the fundamentals of business. No prior knowledge of business or finance is assumed. The seminar has been designed as a stand-alone seminar therefore attendance of Actuate Your Business English 1, 2, 3 and/or 4 is not a prerequisite to participating in this seminar.

The topics covered are: Third World vs. emerging markets (issues of corruption, transparency, infrastructure, etc), economic sectors (primary, secondary, tertiary, etc), nature of commodities, return on investment (ROI), brokers (agents vs. principles), privatization, subsidizing, protectionism, demographics, mergers and acquisitions (an overview) and branding (image, recognition, awareness, USP, etc).

A glossary containing 150 business related terms will be discussed. All topics and language discussed will be based on an original case study developed specifically to teach difficult business concepts in an easy, fun-filled but extremely informative manner. Handouts will be plentiful thus allowing teachers to review all concepts and language at their discretion following completion of the seminar.

Case Study: The Pawn King Goes Public
Major theme: the ABC’s of going public with your company

Actuate Your Business English 6 is the sixth of ten seminars designed for anyone who teaches Business English or has an interest in understanding the fundamentals of business. No prior knowledge of business or finance is assumed. The seminar has been designed as a stand-alone seminar therefore attendance of Actuate Your Business English 1, 2, 3, 4 and/or 5 is not a prerequisite to participating in this seminar.

The topics covered are: human capital management, angel investors, funding gaps, Series A, B, C, etc. financing, issuing stock vs. bonds to raise money, private vs. public companies, the A,B,C’s of underwriting to include the basics of underwriting, primary vs. secondary market, common vs. preferred shares, red herrings and greensheets and best offer vs. firm commitment.

A glossary containing 130 business related terms will be discussed. All topics and language discussed will be based on an original case study developed specifically to teach difficult business concepts in an easy, fun-filled but extremely informative manner. Handouts will be plentiful thus allowing teachers to review all concepts and language at their discretion following completion of the seminar.

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