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Language Link и компания ОНАРА приглашают преподавателей английского языка на совместный бесплатный онлайн-семинар


Galina Sharonova is a Senior Methodologist of ONARA, exclusive distributor of National Geographic Learning, DELTA Publishing, Collins ELT, Helbling English and MM Publications. Galina is a CELTA and Delta M2 certified teacher and Teacher trainer (Cambridge Train the Trainer certificate) with sufficient teaching and teacher training experience.   


Jack of All Trades and Master of…Skills (based on New Close up series)


Teachers’ job is not that easy. We need to help our students develop their language skills but it’s not enough as learning any language means developing cultural awareness, 21 century skills and, very often, helping students prepare for international exams. Then, there is a question which may arise, “How can we embrace it all and not burn out? How can we conduct effective lessons and satisfy our students’ needs?” In our seminar, we will show some ready-made materials and techniques provided by the course book New Close-up.  

Семинар состоится 17 сентября 2021 года в 17.00.

Узнать подробнее можно по тел. +7 (495) 258-67-00.

Другие курсы и семинары можно посмотреть в расписании курсов и семинаров для учителей английского языка.